99 points from BeerAdvocate!


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96 points from BeerAdvocate!

"Pours an interesting light amber, with orange highlights. Has a massive off white head, but has little lacing. Head sticks around for a long time. The smell is sweet citrus, grapefruit and orange, along with bitter floral and grassy qualities. 

Bitter and floral in the mouth, with large flavors of pine. The finish starts off with a ting of sweet caramel, then shows a massive swell of pine, hints of resin, and again, floral. The whole experience is very bitter, with only a brief hint of sweetness to try to balance it all out. The beer is incredibly light, easy in carbonation, and very drinkable. It's dry, as the bitter profile would suggest, but isn't overly so. Overall a great beer, and a nice break from the IPAs while still offering many of the same qualities they'd give you."